Monday, December 31, 2018

HBitcoin and trade of bit-coins are a way for the USA to illegally control e the stock market ie  a way of govt insider trading on natural resources .. the reason - well they are going to try to cover it with anonymous investigation claim errorism and state national security reasons for privacy.... they claim now that they were caught that the war machine was put on hold so they are finding cash elsewhere but lets explain

\With others doing the forecast of natural resources the usa can have us forget their massive debt which is ... wait how come anyone lends them money in the first place ... what government actually lent the USA govt anything ??? so did they steal just like this massive robbery of Canada ... \

Yes the target  is Canada ... They told their health system conveniently to use our bodies when we protected Russia ( yes this is why Russia was a target - they were going to use their bodies for California .......
anyways so The USA is using bit trade in natural resources to predict the market and there bang - insider trading but it is the government .... this time meaning are they paying their debt with this new source of cash flow or are they continuing to control the Canadian economy with the film industry .. this is why .. when the dollar is down they come up and film in bc and Quebec ... then when the Canadian dollar is up they stay in California or wherever so the Canadian govt makes all these incentives for them to come up to film... ( is it a joke the Queen is making a movie ) ? or an insult ...

So the next thing is the space race.... this is our govt and the police selling me to the USA in order to steal from russia..... this is how ....

The canadian government keeps me so unwell and right next to death that russia sents remote health care that is stolen by the USA for the "space Race" which they both know is an actual race ...

Payment information
URI: bitcoin:bc1qlnq09k02yqr7punhjf8p7ln3j009p82qpuf78j?amount=0.00400000
Address: bc1qlnq09k02yqr7punhjf8p7ln3j009p82qpuf78jAmount: 0.00400000 BTC

{This is 100% true )

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