Tuesday, October 23, 2018

I went to treatment with the nephew of the owner of Suncore my mom golfed with his uncle i believe one time ( which makes sense she is a vp of a billion dollar electronics company which deals internationally .... She often meets work contacts on the golf course just walk on .
So while the owner of Cheveron corperation was my bf I went to the orchard rehab where he wnet to along with his father .....
I met the nephew of the owner of suncore and he is a nice guy who was extorted by other clients who claimed he raped another person who was 18 at the time ( underage) the rest of the people i went to treatment with took a huge pay off from suncore.
Then they focused in chevron as I was suspected of being a part of the original extortion as chris Katan made a phonecall to fraser a stockbroker he extorted who was good friends with stephan ( they were extorted together but although I told fraser I had nothing to do with it ( they threatened to tell his wife all his secrets if he didnt pay them money because Jason agambeler who brook and chris expected to share all his winnings , fine their agreement but when they lost they went after fraser and stephan as stephan was accused of sleeping with casey who was put back on the street needing money robbed by her father obviously would want to get paid from suncore for this ... This info was not on the record but casey was extorted pushed back to heroin and broke ..... . (  who chris used my dads house phone while outside on speaker phone to call a hit man in prison to put a hit on his 18 year old half native girlfriend ) I extorted chris katan badly .... and he hit me really hard because ..... Jason needed money from Suncore spend it at the Casino.
you owe the russians alot of money... all listed individuals.

the russians took the blame for the leak in treatment and the kavanaughs appologised remotly and chevron was hit as Darwins father was being murdered by the Orchard which sol dominellis mother Pam worked at as a hyptmotist in fact the other Jessie James ( Bella) was hyptmotised by pam at the orchard its roumord that she is peters ex wife and wanted money.

She Bella is friends with Bear who looks like Sharon my manager who set me up to rick and val for stealing from the apple bees which they then followed me to montreal and thats where the pyrmid started and collapsed at roosters.

Okay so lets break this down to parts
HP Garry
Petro Can
Queen of Nigeria (england)
Picture of my family tree India - Passive Resistance - Released by england in 2017 ( upon recognition)
 Bermuda ( read who wants to be a millionaire in Bermuda) 2007 on may 22 there was a murder .... I saw home grown that night and got in a fight almost with a black girl - the reason bermuda protected me. we discussed the possability of my strength coming from the body of the murdered man . Its a thought that my family did not want me to be there on that vacation which i paid fully for myself because of this event, which bermudian murderes go uninvestigation all of them are left as unsolved regardless of where they take place.... My family were and still are refugees due to racism. As the Native bermudians are both Portugeese and white - a deserted island initially . So my family are the first settelers of the 22 m^2 country, which during the cold war held a missle base pointed towards russia and the USA had held the Emerald Cross Captive thus the Tucker owned island which america might have invaded by the Symposium musium trade, ( this is an assumption )

A relative of mine on Bermuda was a Treasure Hunter, he dove off the coast of bermuda into sunken ships to find all the treasure that was abbandoned . He was one of the first to do this and did this for years before bermuda finally said that anything found after a certain date belonged to the country and not as a personal asset as is all of his findings before that  ( which is almost oall the treasure from the bermuda triangle. )

He found the most valuable piece of treasure in all of history knows as the Emerald Cross.
My uncle made a deal with the musium in the USA to trade showcasing the cross there for 10 years in exchange for his own private Bermudian Islands and then when the cross was to be returned the islands whould also be returned.

however the cross was stolen from the Smithsonian musium in the USA and replaced with a replica leaving my uncle as the owner of the private islands... This is a fully true story .
You should know the queen of england is Bermudian this is how I am so closly related to her .... ( i found out 6 years ago i believe. )
Back to the cross.

Teddy Tucker just passed away last year and the inheritance was huge ( i have a bermudian cousin Carley who my uncle craig was trying to claim was the inheritor of the tucker money while it was my money ... how to make this more clear..... My cousin was named after me. we have 1 picture together My sister myself and my two bermudian cousins i believe with my uncle dave or my moRemermber that my mom is really has the rights to be who she is but her family was not protered by bermuda or as bermudians in ww3 although I was along with her. so She has done a lot for me. )

So my uncle now left as the owner of private bermudian islands and the cross missing ( they only found out it was a replica after the 10 years surpassed. )

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